Preventing Repeat ACL Injuries Study

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Study Information:

Second ACL injuries are a growing problem after initial ACL reconstruction. Besides missing an additional year of athletic participation, increasing health care costs, and increased psychological distress, re-injury and revisions have significantly worse outcomes compared with initial reconstructions. Second injuries occur at a rate of 1 in 17 within the first two years of surgery.

In this study, we are investigating if there are varying risk levels for second ACL injury, and determining the effects of rehabilitation programs on performance measures associated with an increased ACL injury risk. At your initial visit we use 3D Motion Analysis technologies to collect specific information while you perform hopping, jumping, and landing movements as well as balance. We would also collect knee and hip strength measurements. You would then be randomly assigned to one of three programs: 1. A home running program, 2. A neuromuscular training program, or 3. A standard group of just your regular daily activities. After six weeks, you will return and complete all of the same tests that you did initially. You will receive $95 after completing pre-test and $95 after completing the post-test.

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Improving Musculoskeletal Research to Increase Mobility and Function
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